Drug Court Celebrates 10 years of Service!
A ceremony was held to celebrate 10 years of service from Drug Court.
The ceremony was held on the 26th of August, 2023 at Moomina Haleem Maalam, Health Ministry. The Minister of Health, Ahmed Naseem was the Chief Guest of the ceremony. Other special guests included Judicial Administrator Al-Usthaza Aishath Rizna, Prosecutor General Al-Usthaz Hussain Shameem, Deputy Health Minister Shamau Shareef and Assistant Prosecutor General Al-Usthaz Hussain Nashid.
In this ceremony, Staff of the Year 2022 and staffs with the best attendance records for the year 2022 were awarded with trophies and with certificates of appreciation. Judges and staffs who have been at service for Drug Court for 10 years were awarded likewise. Furthermore, the staffs who recieved more than 70% on their performance appraisals marks for the year 2022 were awarded with certificates of appreciation.
Legal Officer Al-Usthaza Aishath Shifla Adnan was selected as the Staff of the Year 2022.